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Light The Spark!

For the creative person finding inspiration is often a task. It comes in crashing tidal waves or as stray drops in a cloudless sky. We get it the mindset that we have to be creating with singular purpose to be creative. Yet I find the opposite to be true. Creativity is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets, but like hitting the gym everyone needs a rest day. Strength is built in rest. Its important to relax and let that creative juice come to you. You can find the inspiration in doing nothing. Your daydreams can turn into vivid paintings or just doodles on the edge of your napkin.

The most important thing you can do is want it. Wanting to be someone with otherworldly ideas and innovative techniques is the igniting spark. You must nurture your spark with constant exposure to other ideas. Whether that be by reading trashy romance novels, watching anime, finding strange insects (ew), or even coffee foam art.

I believe one of the biggest misconceptions in society is that creativity must be productive to be valid. As if the end goal is to monetize. Now of you break it down production is a product and a product comes as a consequence of something else. Money may be a byproduct of a good idea but it isn't the goal of practicing creativity. My biggest dream is doing what I love and getting paid for it. I'm sure that is a shared dream. But the passion is the make or break. You have to whether the seasons and nurture your spark so it can become the blazing fire. We hear about protecting our peace but don't forget to protect your creativity. There will be many people, jobs, and unfortunate circumstances that will try to veer you away. Those are the moments that you may rest but never forget that thing that drives you!

Life is the biggest inspirer and there may not be such a thing as an original story, but your voice and your perspective is wholly yours. There will never be another you so leave your mark and live without any regrets.

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